
Thursday, November 4, 2010

The lifespan of a gale

Within a home, the average storm rages on outside. With a wet bat and glove in hand, you walk amongst the family members, holding nary a light, but a candle. As you continue to the glass door, you see the other side; a brighter, much lighter side, with a fusion of mango and orange colored skies. As you wait in the silence, the warmth of dawn arrives, as the combination of colors sweep over your humble adobe. As you open the door, the crescendo of birds singing and a soft breeze blowing come into picture. You stumble upon the dew-infested green pillow that is your yard, feeling God's soft touch, mothering your mind. Finally, as the skies become riddled with night, you return from a nap in the woods, only to return to you adobe.